Koncept Garage

Want a fun garage?

We’ve created game rooms, workshops, garage gyms, breweries and dance studios. Whatever your concept is, we’ll create the perfect garage for your whole family to enjoy. 


Here's the Problem with Garage Organization...

5 Common Causes of Disorganized Spaces

  1. No Time – the kid’s room gets messy fast – garages do too. How do you keep them organized when you don’t have time to keep up with it?
  2. No Design Principles – just like engineering principles, there are key design principles specific to garages and other storage spaces that keep them functioning as intended (or not).
  3. Product Selection – repurposed cabinets, plastic floor racks and other quick-fix “dollar-menu” products cause more harm than good.
  4. Product Location – poor product placement results in items piling up where you don’t want them to.
  5. The Stories We Hold – every item in our homes holds a story – a person, a memory, a feeling.


The Garage Disorganization Cycle is a Real Thing

Life happens and it seems like sacrificing your Saturdays is the only answer.

The “do-it-again” loop is a disorganization cycle that traps the homeowner in a perpetual fight with their garage. Sparked by the 5 Common Causes of Problematic Garages, the DIA Loop continually steals from the whole family unless it is permanently resolved. 

 “Every Saturday sacrificed on your garage is a family memory never made…” – Jeff Julia, Founder, Koncept Garage

  1. You move in, unpack and add a few storage products.
  2. Life happens, your laundry room, closets, garage and cabinets fall by the wayside. The 5 Common Causes of Disorganized Spaces take over and your home slips into disarray.
  3. You’ve had enough. You block off your Saturday and get to work. You make some progress, feel good about yourself, then get back to your everyday life. Unfortunately, the room doesn’t stay organized for long and the process starts all over again…
Before Garage Renovation and Organizing

Common Mistakes

Most Homeowners Mistakenly Waste More Time & Money

4 Common Mistakes ...

  1. Do nothing – remain in the DIA Loop and keep missing out on family memories, buying duplicates of items you own and feeling embarrassed about opening your garage door.
  2. DIY – continue sacrificing your Saturdays at the home improvement store, fighting with your garage and trying to mitigate the effects produced by the 5 Common Causes of Disorganized Spaces the best you can.
  3. Hire a garage contractor – every garage we enter has storage products already installed. The DIA Loop is invisible and garage contractors don’t know it exists. Most of our clients didn’t either, they just wondered why they kept having to reorganize again and again.
  4. Hire an organizer – most organizers can help you make decisions and tidy up what you decide to keep. But they too don’t know about the DIA Loop. Sure, cleaning up is important but you’ve tried that several times already, haven’t you? 

Our Solution

How Koncept Garage Solves the Problem Forever

In under 1 hour of your time, your garage will stay organized - we guarantee it!

With us, your fun and functional garage will stay organized. We combine the best aspects of these professions and do it all for you. Our consultative approach solves for all 5 Common Causes of Problematic Garages.

    • Time – our process ensures you spend the least amount of time with us. Most of our clients work, run errands and play with their families while we tackle their garage for them.
    • Design Principles – we leverage 10 design principles to ensure your garage looks amazing, functions for the whole family and stays organized.
    • Product Selection – we believe your money should be spent having fun, not on unnecessary products. Some clients don’t need any new products. Others simply need products removed. 
    • Product Location – most garages need to be rearranged before they can stay organized. We layout your garage based on how you spend your time and our 10 design principles.
    • The Stories We Hold – our team members are trained to help you break through the stories that keep you stuck in disorganization and provide you with the freedom that an organized garage creates